Here s an example of one of bootcamp session
Acronym Bootcamp [AMRAP/EMOM/RPS]
Time: 60 minutes
Equipment: Kettlebells, Dumbbells, Cones, Mats, Interval Timer
Dynamic Warm Up
4 cone drill:
Procedure: Four marker cones are placed 10 yards apart in a square configuration. The player starts by getting down in a three-point stance next to Cone 1. On the command ‘Go’, he jogs to cone 2, then shuffles (nice and low/hands out) sideways to cone 3. From there back-pedal to cone 4 and finish by turning and sprint through cone 1. Then player moves to side, does 5 inchworms and then repeats square. I run cycle 4 times per person.
Other info: The athlete must go around the outside of each cone and not knock down cone or they do 5 burpees. Each person starts when person prior hits the first cone. I also have them alternate lead leg on shuffles each time. It’s jog/shuffle/backpedal/sprint/5 inchworm repeat.
RPS Sprints:
Rock Paper Scissor Sprints (or known as roshambo):
Using same 4 cones already set up (yay!) Add pile of scarves or tennis balls or beanbags, whatever, to center of square. Count off by 4’s and each number takes a corner. That is their HOME BASE. Each corner plays RPS (1, 2, 3, shoot!) and winners sprint to next corner to play there. Each time player wins he advances to next corner. The goal is to get around and back to HOMEBASE as fast as possible. Loser remains and does jumping jacks while they wait for another player to RPS with.
In the case of odd numbers at corner clients do jumping jacks while waiting. Everybody moves the entire time except for the quick 1, 2, 3, Shoot! More than one shoot out can occur each corner (ie. if 4 clients, two separate shoot outs happening at once).
When a player returns to their HOMEBASE they race to center of square and grab a tennis ball/scarf/etc then move onto next corner and continue play. They MUST touch HOMEBASE each time before running to get ball/scarf/etc from center.
Game ends when all items taken from middle. Player with most wins. I use about 30 bandanas for this. This game moves fast and is VERY fun! My clients love this one, lots of laughs while working out!
If you are unsure how to play RPS:
While recovering from RPS have each client pick partner and face each other. (I find they tend to choose partners of like ability so this works to keep teams equal). Have them step back from one another and there you have your two teams. One line is team ONE and other TWO. So partners end up on opposite teams -ha!–plus it is motivating to try to beat your friend. Have both teams complete AMRAPs below at same time.
AMRAP – stands for As Many Rounds (or sometimes Reps) As Possible. This a very common workout structure where you have a set amount of time to do as much work as you can.
EMOM- Every Minute On the Minute . Every Minute On the Minute instructor yells “MINUTE!” players must stop wherever they are and do the EMOM drill then go right back to where they left off. I start EMOM at minute 0:00 so they begin with that drill.
Completing all 4 bullets counts as 1 round, any extra reps are counted as single reps. (ie. if somebody went through 3 times and got to 5 jump squats before time was up score would be 3 + 25). Adjust time as needed for your group level and time for class.
AMRAP A Bodyweight – 5:00 minutes
EMOM drill: 3 burpees
• 10 hand release pushups(mod: knees or regular toes)
• 10 full abs – elbows to knees (mod: arms at sides/legs out in front and sit to 90)
• 10 plyometric jump squats (mod: 10 mini hop squats or just air squats)
• 10 mountain climbers R, L = 1. (mod: step touch)
Have teams count as recover. Add rounds plus reps for entire team! Record and tell score to all to motivate. Best way is to have team form circle go around and each tell full rounds, add them together to get round score. Then have each tell leftover reps, add them together to get rep score.
AMRAP B Weighted – 5:00 minutes
EMOM drill: 5 weighted jacks (raise to shoulders only)
• 10 goblet squats (double up heaviest weight or use KB if have)
• 10 lunge walks weights overhead, arms extended straight. Each knee down is 1.
• 10 ab wipers weighted (weight extended over head/arms straight, feet come up to 90 and back down w/o touching floor)
• 10 plank weighted rows –from plank do row for each hand, R, L = 1. (Can be done from knees for modification or without weights).
Have teams count as recovery…rounds plus reps for entire team!!! Record and tell score to motivate
AMRAP COMBO A/B 8:00 (no emoms)
• Do A and B!
Round 1 is when you complete all 8 bullets above. Count up total scores!!!
Cool down
We do light jog, basic quad/ham stretches, shoulders, glutes, chest, blah blah blah— then you are done! W
